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Since Dementia can be so varied, the treatment depends on its cause. Currently, for Alzheimer's there is neither a cure nor a treatment to slow the progression. However, there are drugs to temporarily help the symptoms associated with Alzheimers. 


There are also non-drug therapies that can help symptoms of dementia. In order to get more efficient treatments, there needs to be increased research funding and more participation in clinical studies. 


Most types of dementia can't be cured, but there are ways to manage your symptoms.There are various medications that you can consult with a doctor to figure out which is best for the specific case. 


Many dementia symptoms and behavior problems may be treated initially using non-drug approaches, such as:

  • Occupational therapy: An occupational therapist can help make your home safer and show coping behaviors. The purpose is to prevent accidents and injuries, manage behavior, and prepare you for the progression of dementia.

  • Change the environment: Reduce the noise and organize the environment more so it is easier for someone with dementia to focus and function. Monitoring systems can alert you if the person with dementia wanders.

  • Simplifying tasks: Make tasks into smaller, easier steps. Also, have structure and routine to help reduce confusion.

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